
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

viral links - check later for more

1) see here, some funny photoshop satire on W Bush.

2) download Thousand Hand Guanyin here, skip to 2:20 after you downloaded from this link. This is a performance by handicapped (I guess hearing or speech handicapped) dancers, in the closing ceremony of Para-Olympic in Greece, by the Chinese delegation

3) the Numa Numa dance (with subtitle) "arguably become one of the most famous online video clips", very cool Romania Techno song (Love under the Linden Trees) with NJ lipsinc dance. Gary Brolsma lipsync to a cool song in front of a webcam, downloaded 6.5 million times on internet in a couple months, then CNN, VH1 the rest is history...Then made into Wiki where you can find all you want to know about this phenomenon. Then hundreds of parodies were created, of which this is the one I like most (if you understand some Japanese you would appreciate more)

4) stupid ipod spoof: iPod flea

5) Monday sucks on polar ice sheet.

6) interesting photoshops


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